Health Remedies | openeyehealth

Health Remedies

Naturally Avoid Jet Lag

May 4, 2011
Thumbnail image for Naturally Avoid Jet Lag

If you do a lot of travel (particularly on long flights entering different time zones), you’re likely familiar with the effects of jet lag. Luckily, there are a few simple things that you can do to help prevent or minimize it: Schedule your flights to arrive at your final destination in the mid-evening. That way […]

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Natural Poison Ivy Relief

April 9, 2011
Thumbnail image for Natural Poison Ivy Relief

Spring has definitely arrived in Michigan and it is oh-so nice to hear the birds chirping and watch the woods start to come alive again. However, one of the not so welcoming plants, poison ivy, will soon be thriving and maybe with some luck we’ll successfully avoid it. Just in case though, I saved a […]

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Home Remedies Resource

March 3, 2011

In case you are suffering from any ailments, I wanted to share a great online resource for home/health remedies with testimonials and suggestions from people who have had similar issues and tried different natural remedies often involving supplements and food. The site is called Earth Clinic and they have an A to Z list of […]

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Natural Immune System Booster

February 18, 2010
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I owe Sarah a big thank you for her latest health recommendation (she really does give the best ones!), what I’ll call a “miracle potion” because it got Ryan over about a month long off and on cold/illness in two days. It is an immune system booster called Dr. Dunner Sambu Guard and I bought […]

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Natural At-Home Remedies

November 27, 2009

Reading Sarah’s post on oregano for mucus relief reminded me of an article I saved to share with you earlier this month in Better Homes and Gardens called “The World’s Cures”. The article discusses the remedies below that have been used since ancient times to alleviate uncomfortable conditions. Sore Throat– gargle water mixed with 1 […]

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Oregano for Mucus Relief

November 23, 2009

We just returned from a rockin’ vacation, and I had to report back on a miracle worker that saved us both from runny noses and productive coughs threatening our good time. Halfway through the trip, I came down with a cold, including a congested nose in the extreme. It was absolutely miserable: I couldn’t go […]

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Health Benefits of a Steam Room

November 4, 2009
Thumbnail image for Health Benefits of a Steam Room

As the cold weather takes over Michigan, there’s nothing I enjoy more than relaxing quietly in the steam room of the gym after a tough workout. Not only are there numerous health benefits, but it’s just plain relaxing for my mind and body. It is instant warmth and comfort- right down to my bones- when […]

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H1N1 Prevention

October 26, 2009

I received the following email today and enjoyed the way it presented valuable information in a common sense format. I’m not endorsing this doctor, however, and I do think he is a bit mixed on a few crucial points – but this is a great prevention at a glance article. The following advice, given by […]

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Two New Natural Health Networks in Grand Rapids

June 1, 2009

Health consciousness is absolutely expanding – and I am thrilled to see two budding initiatives in Grand Rapids to help those of us in the “medical capital” of the state achieve a path of wellness and togetherness you just can’t find on pill hill alone. A couple weeks ago, I met two very inspired ladies; […]

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Rehydrate with Coconut Water

May 30, 2009

Since I can only dream of living in a tropical place where coconuts grow freely, I’ve found a healthy and refreshing coconut beverage I can buy at health stores right here in Michigan. This Harvest Bay Coconut Water I am sipping at the moment has a mild sweet taste and only one ingredient: 100% pure […]

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