I just wanted to share that Real Food Whole Health is offering a giveaway for coconut ghee and that you still have two days to enter! There’s a few easy ways to do this, just click the link to their site and it will explain how. The ghee is from Green Pastures and it’s a whole gallon! That would last a long time!
In case you’re not familiar with ghee, it is clarified butter which has a high smoking point and doesn’t need to be refrigerated. It can be used for frying, baking, as a butter substitute, etc. This particular ghee in the giveaway also contains organic virgin coconut oil (so wonderfully healthy) and together with the ghee it is full of fatty acids and omega 3 fats.
While I don’t yet have experience cooking with ghee myself, I’ve tried it in foods at a number of health events and really enjoyed it. I’ve entered in the contest as a big container of ghee would certainly motivate me to get started with it! ;)
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Thanks so much for sharing this on your site! It’s exciting that the drawing day is almost here- I hope you win! :-) Our giveaway next month is also going to be really cool. I can’t tell you all the details now, but it will have something to do with going Grain-Free! ;-)
I know coconut oil how good and healthy is and I use for saute even for popcorn, but also I heard coconut-gee has great flavor as butter and can be use for substitute as butter and very health and nutritional….thanks