Sauteed Shrimp, Raw Vege Salad

Sauteed Shrimp, Raw Vege Salad

by Sarah on June 6, 2009

Order up for a light, energizing, and remarkably filling lunch. What’s great about this recipe is you can enjoy it on the weekend, or take it into the office during the week with just a little prep the night before. I made this recipe up on the spot; so I encourage your own spontaneity if you don’t have the same ingredients on hand.

chia seedsJust sauté a few jumbo shrimp with olive oil, paprika, and a little ginger and cilantro. Wash, prepare and toss salad greens, bean sprouts, yellow peppers (I cut into horizontal strips) and 1/2 avocado (also strips). Sprinkle a couple teaspoons of sprouted chia seeds over your salad, and top with your piping hot shrimp. Never forget a quality salt and freshly ground black pepper!

This salad has enough flavor that I don’t even use a dressing. If you’re looking for a dressing without MSG (yes, you are), you’ll either have to make it yourself or pay $7 for an experimental brand at the health food store; you can do better by processing a little olive oil with fresh squeezed lemon juice and parsley. That comes out to about 30 cents, from ingredients that should already be in your kitchen or herb garden anyway.

There are nutrients in this salad galore, and enzymes to help your body use them. The raw omega-3’s from the avocado, chia seeds and the olive oil in the dressing provide a necessary whole fat alternative to your digestive system, allowing a counterbalance to the damaged fats from the heated shrimp.

You also get a full source of protein and amino acids in this salad, and after eating like this for only a few days, you will feel a palpable difference in your energy level. Your body will actually begin to crave energy from proteins and fats sources found in a salad like this, as opposed to your standard sugar and carbs, found of course on every street corner in America.

Mmm! There’s something so appetizing about swimming against the mainstream. I think I’ll make this today.

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