Preserve Your Natural Soap

Preserve Your Natural Soap

by Michelle on June 9, 2009

Soap HolderSince homemade natural soap can be significantly more expensive than unhealthy mass-produced bars, I try to use mine down to the very last suds. My new “soap sock”  pictured here has definitely helped me out in doing this.

I found the soap sock on for about $4 and it is knit of very soft yarn and meant to be easy on the skin. I hung it on the hook in my bathroom so it can dry out after a shower and all I need to do for the next use is get it wet and rub it a little to get it sudsing again.

The soap sock is very gentle and if it feels too rough after I first wet it down, I just run it under the warm water again and soften it a little more by rubbing. After that, the sock is as soft and sudsy as my first use. It is also large and flexible enough to fit a variety of bar shapes and sizes.

A soap sock is a great little tool to have in the home; if you’re interested you can either find one online, make your own, or search for one at a local craft show or farmer’s market.

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