If you’re anything like us, you’re going to spend a lot of time in your garden this summer – and you also don’t want to waste it all pulling weeds. It’s only the middle of May and I’m already battling weeds overgrowth, but not quite ready to break down and buy a chemical weed killer.
So I voiced my concern to a new friend of mine, and she shared a fantastic little tip to actually prevent weeds from growing in the first place, and simultaneously gives me something to do with mown grass without paying the city $1.50 a bag to take it away.
It’s simple – rake and collect your grass cuttings in a bin (it’s easier after they’ve dried out on the lawn for a day or two). Once you have a good amount, pull the weeds from your landscape or garden (for the last time!) and apply a thick, tight layer of your cuttings to the ground surrounding your plants. Pat it down firmly to create an impenetrable mat; cover the entire area where you don’t want weeds to grow . . . and they won’t!