Iherb.com- A More Economical Way to Health

Iherb.com- A More Economical Way to Health

by Michelle on March 25, 2009

Although it is great to support local businesses, unfortunately sometimes it is just not affordable. Many health stores are extremely pricey (when really the products are better for all of us long-term and should be cheaper) and I was happy to come across a iherb.com which offers lower pricing on some products I buy regularly.

The website is very simple, but offers vitamins, supplements, and product brands found often at health stores. I actually found my liquid calcium there- double the size for less than the price I was paying locally. The shipping was only $4 even though the package was quite heavy and I was also able to use a coupon code I located online for first-time customers to get $5 off my order.

In total, I got a calcium bottle (double my current size), a bottle of organic aloe vera gel, and a tube of Tom’s natural toothpaste all for about the same price I would have paid for just the smaller bottle of calcium here in town. Iherb.com also carries some of my other favorite products- Aubrey Organics shampoo and Desert Essence facewash, both which work wonderfully.

Like at any health store; however, it’s still important to check out the ingredients listed in each product to make sure it is healthy or at least what it claims to be on the packaging (so you are not fooled). Sneaky brands whose products aren’t really healthy for our bodies have a uncanny ability to sneak into health stores and appear innocent to consumers. Pretty packaging and false advertisements mean nothing if the true ingredients will put your health at risk.

A trick is to look for products with minimal ingredients and see if they are pronounceable. Something that sounds like a chemical probably is one (and isn’t necessary). You can always visit the cosmetics database if you are not sure or do some quick online searching to make sure you are safe. Overall, though, if you want to save a little money on healthier products and can wait a few days for your product to arrive it might just be worth a quick visit to iherb.

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Hannah August 14, 2011 at 11:10 pm

I love iherb.com, too! I’ve bought conditioners, deodorants and such as well as things like honey – oh man, the raw buckwheat honey I just bought is AMAZING. It soothes my skin when applied as a mask and it tastes like a darker, more complex honey. So good.

Anyway, so others who read this won’t have to go searching: NAH804 will give you $5 off your first purchase.

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