Spring & Change

by Michelle on March 26, 2012

Post image for Spring & Change

So in case you were wondering… yes, I am alive!!! I’ve taken quite a break from blogging due to moving to a new house and more recently enjoying spending every day with my new baby girl, Ellia. She is only 10 weeks old, but has managed to change my life so much for the better (while also making me busier than I’ve ever been before!). I’m still going to try to keep up posting at least once a week from now on and might feel the need to throw up a few extra baby topics now and then, too. :)

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t missed blogging and the community, and of course, I’m still drawn to all sorts of health topics. I can’t wait for the farmer’s market to open this year, but at the same time I’m working through much of the food I’ve preserved by canning and freezing. I’m all for the peaches, chicken, and chili sauce lately, but I’m not sure why my pile of frozen broccoli is looking so much less enticing than it did before? *Recipe Suggestions Welcome!*

I also want to thank all of you who have supported my blog by checking out my natural cleaning eBook, Clean Start, and I truly hope that you have enjoyed it and found it helpful. I personally can’t wait to tackle some spring cleaning around our new “old” 1919  house- there’s just nothing like that fresh, clean feel with all the windows open and warm spring air circulating.

Spring is also a great time for cleansing and detoxing the body, too, but since I’m nursing my focus has to be on simply eating healthy and exercising. I’ll try to pop up with some simple recipes now and then that I’m enjoying.

So I’m off to an aerobics class soon here and will be back sometime next week with either a recipe or my first dive back into a health topic!


Photo by Betty155

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah March 27, 2012 at 9:33 pm

Welcome back, Michelle! I’ve been trying to prepare for the birth of my 2nd baby, but I still can’t quite imagine having a baby and a blog!

I look forward to hearing more from you.

Michelle May 1, 2012 at 10:48 am

Thanks, Rebekah! Not sure if I can post as much as I’d originally hoped. Unfortunately have to to catch up with my home first before I have time to be online!

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