Mango, Peach, & Spinach Refresher

Mango, Peach, & Spinach Refresher

by Michelle on May 15, 2011

Post image for Mango, Peach, & Spinach Refresher

I’ve found my new favorite refreshing beverage and it’s kind of a cross between a smoothie and good, thick juice. I came across the recipe on my friend Emili’s lovely blog, where flowers grow. And while I like and normally use bananas in smoothies, it is nice to use a different base (in this case mango).

This drink is very simple and oh-so refreshing. The only ingredients that you need are below (all measurements are approximate and can be adjusted to your taste!):

  • 1 cup frozen mango (cut into chunks before freezing)
  • 1.5 cups peach juice (organic if possible)
  • 1/4 cup frozen chopped spinach
  • a couple good splashes of sparkling water

I blended all of this in my Magic Bullet and it is SO delicious. I couldn’t even taste the spinach, even though the drink is quite green, and actually might even add a little more next time since it’s such a healthy addition. I think this will make for a great spring and summertime treat!

This recipe is part of:

The Healthy Home Economist’s Monday Mania
Kelly the Kitchen Kops’s Real Food Wednesday

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

emili May 16, 2011 at 9:13 pm

Seriously! That’s why I loved the spinach so much, because you get the nutritional benefit without knocking off the flavor (spinach?… in a mango smoothie???)

Thanks for sharing this with the world! Ah! :)

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