Repair Leaky Garden Hoses

Repair Leaky Garden Hoses

by Michelle on April 26, 2011

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So I did not always know that it was possible to repair a leaky garden hose. I had thought that once one starts leaking it simply has to be replaced. Luckily, this is not always true. According to Better Homes & Gardens magazine (June 2010), fixing a leaky hose can be quite easy.

To do this, cut off the end of the hose with the leak and if possible take it to a home and garden center and purchase a hose repair kit that matches the thread and size. Once you return, simply put the replacement piece of the kit in the section of good hose and then screw the hose clamp on. Specific instructions included with your kit may also helpful with this step.

You can also buy a repair kit online if you choose (maybe even read some reviews); from my searching it looks like most of these repair kits are under $10. Much cheaper than buying a new hose, and of course more eco-friendly! I know I have one hose that I can repair this spring, have you tried one of these kits before or do you have a hose you can repair this way?

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