8 Easy Green Travel Tips

8 Easy Green Travel Tips

by Michelle on February 27, 2010

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With all this snow as we head into March, I just can’t get our next tropical vacation out of my mind. While many of us may have green habits at home, there are also a number of ways to go easier on the planet while traveling for spring break, etc. I’ve tried a number of the 8 easy green travel tipsĀ in the list below and often times find that they are convenient and sometimes even save money!

  1. Bring a reusable water bottle with you to fill up over and over again (you will need it empty to get through airport security) so you won’t find yourself stuck buying plastic water bottles everywhere you go
  2. When staying at a hotel, hang up your towels and re-use your sheets for as long as possible- this saves water and energy used for daily washings
  3. Pack lightly- not only will you have to carry less around, but you will likely save money at the airport on baggage and reduce fuel usage
  4. Bring your own toiletries in small, reusable bottles so that you don’t need to use the ones provided at hotels (you can also enjoy the quality, hopefully healthier (less chemicals) products that you use at home
  5. Take public transportation such as local buses and trains (this can be a huge money saver!) or if you’re not going far- walk! This is by far the healthiest option!
  6. Use the restroom before boarding a plane since every flush in a plane uses enough fuel for a car to go six miles
  7. Check to see if there is eco-friendly lodging where you are staying such as those options listed here
  8. Shop for local products and souvenirs (support local businesses and materials that did not travel far to their destination)


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