Houseplant Fertilizers from your Kitchen

by Michelle on October 11, 2009

I don’t have a very green thumb, so I was particularly interested in a an article from on a few easy, homemade fertilizers you can mix right in your kitchen. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a direct link to the article as usual since it was only an e-mailed article called “DIY: Houseplant Fertilizer”. You can bet; however, that I will be trying these out especially as I am struggling to keep my beloved aloe plant and a few favorite herbs alive.

The three easy fertilizer methods featured in the article are as follows:

  • Mix 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar with 1 gallon of water and use this to water your plants. The apple cider vinegar lowers the pH of the water and contains up to fifty trace minerals
  • Add one ounce of each of the following to a one gallon container: nettle leaves, kelp powder, and comfrey powder. Then fill the container with water and allow this mixture to “steep” in a dark place. Use this tea every few weeks in watering your plants
  • Add water to your leftover coffee and pour it right onto your plants (yes, I couldn’t believe this either, but here are some testimonials I found!) This only needs to be done every week or so- make sure to use one part coffee to four parts water. If your coffee is already weak, one part coffee to two parts water is okay

I’d be excited to hear if any of these work for you or if you have any other good ideas- I know I sure could use them!

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Michelle October 15, 2009 at 4:54 pm

I love the new layout

Minneapolis, MN

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