Fruits & Veggies to Buy Organic

Fruits & Veggies to Buy Organic

by Michelle on July 12, 2009

I was browsing Tree Hugger this morning and came across some informative slideshows on which fruits and vegetables are most contaminated with pesticides. Since most of us are probably eating more of these than usual since it’s summer, I wanted to pass along some parts of the list. I know it can be hard to decide which foods are most important to buy organic since prices are so high, but hopefully this will help narrow down the options.

The first slideshow is “12 Vegetables with the Most Pesticides” based on tests conducted by the Environmental Working Group. Top of the list (in order of most pesticides) are sweet bell peppers (with 11 different pesticides on one pepper alone!), celery, kale, and lettuce. Lower on the list you will find potatoes, green beans, and cucumbers.

The second slideshow is “12 Fruits with the Most Pesticides” and also based on tests from the Environmental Working Group. At the top of this list are peaches (with a total of 53 pesticides found on all peaches studied!), apples, nectarines, and strawberries. Lower on the list are plums, oranges, and tangerines.

You check out the slideshows for additional information and the full lists of vegetables and fruits (it won’t take you long to read through it). Also, remember that washing your fruits and veggies is always important and treating them with GSE is beneficial, too.

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