Natural Injury Treatments for Your Dog

Natural Injury Treatments for Your Dog

by Michelle on June 18, 2009

Although I don’t have a dog myself, I came across an interesting article by Richard Pitcairn, doctor of veterinary medicine, who has natural treatment options for bites, bumps, or burns that could happen to your dog (especially with time spent outdoors in the summer). He even recommends carrying along first-aid treatments, such as those noted below, in case they ever become necessary.

As a quick fix for insect bites from spiders and centipedes or a sting from bees, hornets, or wasps, rub a drop of nettle extract onto the sting. Hold a dull knife perpendicular to the skin and scrape it across the sting a few times. This will pull the stinger out without pain. If you try to pull out the stinger with tweezers or your fingers, this will only squeeze additional poison into the wound.

If your dog gets a chemical, electrical, or campfire burn (showing burnt fur or white skin), dip gauze into Urtica urens or stinging nettle (combine six drops per ounce of water). Add more solution if it dries and bandage as needed.

In the case of poison (such as from ingesting toxic plants, water, or dead animals), your dog may have symptoms such as vomiting, trembling, extreme salivation, and urinate or defecate frequently. In this instance, combine one cup of water with five teaspoons of activated charcoal granules. Also call 888-426-4435 for the National Animal Poison Control Center.

If you notice that your dog is panting excessively, passes out, or has a very fast heart rate, he or she may be suffering from heat stroke. A quick fix is to get to a shady area with good air flow and give the dog water. Also, pour water on it’s body (including the head) and then place ice packs around him or her as you head to the veterinarian.

Although I hope your dog does not run into any of these problems, it’s always better to be prepared. If you have any other natural solutions that you use to help your dog, please feel free share them!

“Trail Fixes: How to Treat Your Buddy’s Bumps, Bites and Burns” by Richard H. Pit cairn. Natural Awakenings magazine June 2009

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jenifer July 3, 2009 at 11:42 pm

When our lab developed allergies last year and started shaking and itching her ears, some friends recommended putting a little olive oil in her ears. The dog’s allergies made her ears dry, which led to cracking and bleeding which, of course, itched. The oil helped to heal the cracks and within a day or two of a single application she quit shaking and itching.

Michelle July 5, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Thanks for sharing! That’s a great idea to use the olive oil and I’m glad to hear it worked, especially so quickly!

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