Homemade Vegetable Juice

Homemade Vegetable Juice

by Michelle on February 22, 2009

Vegetables & JuicerI was inspired by a friend this past week to make my own fresh homemade veggie juice so I swung by the produce section at my local grocery store and raced home to pull out my juicer.

I was feeling somewhat risky and decided to make up my own recipe. I began juicing the vegetables one by one, making sure to add more of my favorite veggies and less of my not-so-favorites.

Below is the approximate combination that I used:

  • 2 Tomatoes (1 Roma)
  • 2 Celery Stalks
  • 1 Large Carrot
  • 1/8 Large Green Pepper
  • 1/8 Large Onion
  • 1 Clove Garlic

My final concoction did not taste like the V8 or off-brand vegetable juice that I’m used to, but I added a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper to enhance the flavor and it was actually pretty good. The different juices separated out a bit in my glass, but I just gave it a quick stir before drinking. It was nice to not worry about BPA seeping into my drink (as I might from a can of store-bought vegetable juice) and I also liked that the juice wasn’t stored for a long period time in a plastic bottle. It was just fresh and tasty!

Glass of Veggie JuiceI’d like to play around with some recipes or come up with an even better combination (I could have gone a little less on the onion, a little more with the carrots), but regardless it was refreshing to squeeze a little fresh onion and green pepper into my diet when I usually do such a good job avoiding them.

I did find a great vegetable juice recipe (and interesting farm blog read!) to make in large quantities for preserving and I think I’ll try this when the farmers market is overflowing with tomatoes this summer. Please share any great recipes you have; although it’s more work to get out the juicer, it sure pays to get the vitamins and minerals from fresh veggies!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

adrian February 23, 2009 at 1:07 pm

The other thing you could try is to juice an apple and an orange. Take that juice and put it in a blender. Put whole veggies into that. I like carrots, tomatoes, and if you want to get frisky a leaf of Kale. That will produce a smoothie mix. It’s pretty good actually. Strawberries also go great in said mixture. Experiment… and don’t be afraid to add up to a tablespoon of organic sugar… but don’t go above that tablespoon :) The fruit will make the drink sweet enough.

Michael David February 23, 2009 at 3:05 pm

I think your articles lately have been really great. Keep up the great posts

Sarah February 24, 2009 at 9:53 am

I love this post! It seems like everyone is talking about juicing their veggies or “green smoothies”.

Raw food pioneer Victoria Boutenko delves into the health benefits of green smoothies: http://www.naturalnews.com/022792.html

and We Like it Raw has a ton of cool recipes too. http://www.welikeitraw.com/rawfood/2008/08/green-smoothie.html

So excited to try this! I’m getting my blender today :)

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