Apple Cider Vinegar 1, Heartburn 0

Apple Cider Vinegar 1, Heartburn 0

by Sarah on November 16, 2008

Score another use for Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – overnight heartburn relief.

we diluted it, but drinking in one shot can get it over with faster

We scoured the web looking for some natural heartburn remedies, and ACV kept coming up as a good one. I mixed in two tablespoons with a glass of water, and after just 5 minutes of coaxing Justin gulped it down.

The next morning, he realized he didn’t have any heartburn at all. “I’m cured!” he sang and danced.

It may seem counterintuitive to fight an acid reflux problem with an acidic compound like ACV, but apparently it works.

This may be because, even though the popular (mis)perception is that acid reflux is caused by too much stomach acid (hydrocloric acid); the reality is that most heartburn today is caused by not having enough stomach acid to handle breaking down all the food – which causes partially digested food & acid to back up into the esophagus, weakening and damaging it, and causing all your unpleasant symptoms.

So maybe adding the ACV helps reinforce the work of the HCl acid ? So your stomach can digest and move your food right along !

Anyway, that’s probably not something to which you ever gave much thought (especially not while eating), but it’s certainly one more reason to keep a bottle of ACV around the house.

*Disclaimer – he also tried chewing fresh Basil leaves, drinking chocolate milk and eating a jalopeno pepper. However I’m fairly certain those were only temporary aids, and it was the ACV that helped with all-night/all-day relief.

UPDATE: A few days later JRO was feeling ill with heartburn again, so he drank another glass of the diluted ACV – relief came after a couple hours, and lasted.

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