I came across a homemade lotion recipe today and amazingly enough had all of the ingredients to try it out! It is really easy to make and the finished product (without essential oils added) has the most wonderfully natural smell of honey and cocoa butter. I also yielded a good half cup, but if you want more be sure to double it.
I couldn’t measure everything in ounces, but the below ingredients were approximately what I used:
- 2 Tbsp beeswax (sliced as thin as I could- about 1/4″)
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil
- 2 Tbsp cocoa butter
- 2 Tbsp tap water
- 1 Tbsp sweet almond oil
- 3 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
Looking back at the original recipe, I probably should have decreased the amount of beeswax and cocoa butter (adding a little more coconut oil), but I’m really happy with the creamy consistency (like a very soft body butter) so it just depends on how creamy you want it to be.
I added all ingredients but the water to a small stainless steel pan. Stirring constantly on the very lowest heat setting, I waited for everything to melt (the beeswax definitely takes the longest, but no more than 5-10 minutes). Once all of the oils were blended, I grabbed a whisk and vigorously stirred in the water.
Once the water was well blended, I removed the mixture from heat and continued stirring with a spoon as it cooled. To move the cooling process along, I poured it into a glass bowl. Once mostly cooled, I stirred in the 3 drops of GSE as a preservative. I have had great luck with preserving both my homemade flax hair gel and homemade honey lip balm with it so I’m thinking it will work just fine for this lotion, too.
At this time, I also could have added some essential oils to enhance the smell, but the honey smell was just too darn good for me to cover it up in this manner. Again, it just depends on what you like! Overall, I’m really happy with this moisturizing lotion and hope you enjoy it if you give it a try.
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That looks like a great recipe. I think I’ll be giving this one a try. It’s always fun when you find you have everything on hand. I love it when that happens :)
I love trying new lotion recipes and this one looks great! I was wondering, does it dissolve pretty good into the skin? My last recipe was nice, but it left my skin a little oily (didn’t dissolve 100%). It was a good recipe and worked well on a new tattoo, just not perfect.
Also, I took a few DIY beauty classes and learned that GSE as a preservative is not as effective as people had once thought. The instructor is a health care professional, teaches DIY beauty classes, etc. and had used it for some time just to learn that GSE had been extensively tested for its preserving qualities and it didn’t hold up to its standards. It probably doesn’t hurt to add it if you have it, but I believe she recommended wheat germ instead. Do you know anything more about this?
Lane’, I’m really pretty impressed with how this one dissolves into my skin. I’ve tried other recipes before with a much “oilier” finish. I just rubbed some on and right after it seems slightly oily but then a couple minutes later it feels fully dissolved and not greasy, just smooth.
I actually haven’t heard of using wheat germ, but it sounds like wheat germ oil has vitamin E which acts a preservative. I’m sure that GSE isn’t perfect by itself for a super long time, but I normally will use most of the products I make within a couple/few months so the GSE has worked for that so far. I just don’t want to make the same products every few days or weeks! I don’t think it would hurt to try the wheat germ oil, but maybe decrease the sweet almond oil slightly then depending on how much you use?
HI and thank you for your amazing blog
What kind of lotion is it?
Do you have a homemade sunscreen lotion? would be awesomme!
Thanks a lot
Thanks, Martine! :) This is just a moisturizing body lotion (almost like a body butter). I haven’t tried making my own sunscreen lotion yet, but did find a couple that might be worth trying. Hope these links help!
hi, just made the lotion, but can’t see honey anywhere on the recipe? Thanks