I’ve tried a new homemade face mask that I came across a while back in a random comment on acne.org. It is actually one of the best masks I’ve ever used and has great ingredients, most of which are probably in your kitchen right now. It is very easy to whip up in a food processor or in my case the Magic Bullet (which I think is handier for this small task). My favorite part of making this mask is knowing that every ingredient is natural and offers specific benefits to my skin.
The ingredients for the full recipe are below (as well as how the natural ingredients work), but I usually cut it in half and still have plenty enough to cover my face and neck. I usually leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off well with my hands or a wash cloth.
- 1/4 uncooked oatmeal – gently provides a deep pore cleaning and helps replenish moisture to the skin
- 2 Tbsp aloe vera juice (fresh from plant if possible) – naturally helps to fight blemishes as it contains salicylic acid and works to remove dead skin cells
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice (also fresh if possible) – helps to lighten dark spots and even out skin tone. Lemon juice may also help with acne by getting rid of bacteria and extra oils from the skin
- 1 Tbsp honey (raw if possible) – contains many nutrients, is moisturizing, and also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
- 1 Tbsp sea salt – offers a great amount of minerals and helps to pull toxins from the skin while promoting cell growth
To make the mask, I just combine everything and blend, adding just a little water if necessary to mix easily. While the mask itself should be pretty thick, the finer the oatmeal is ground up the less messy it will be to apply. If you’re interested in an even more detoxifying mask, there’s another type that I want to try soon which actually uses apples and activated charcoal. I’ll definitely have to report back on that one!
UPDATE: If you would like an oatmeal face mask, but don’t necessarily want to make it yourself, check out this Aubrey Organics oatmeal mask
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Ooh… I will have to give this a try! And yes – I DO have everything in my kitchen (definitely an aloe plant that’s in need of some pruning).
I so need one of these masks right now! Thanks for the great idea.
If it’s summer time, I have one suggestion. Leave out the lemon juice because instead of lighting spots it can cause more to form, because it draws the UV rays to the area. Try to stay away from the sea salt unless it’s a body scrub, it can scratch the skin and cause cystic acne or pustuals and scarring. Adding a touch of Green tea would help hydrate and tone!
Tracy, thank you for the suggestions! That is really good to know about summertime. Also, I will replace the salt and add the green tea next time. That way I also don’t think I would need to add any plain water for blending :)
I’ll have to try it with green tea. It can be really soothing for red irritated skin which is basically what acne is. Fun try, but I’m out of honey :( so maybe next time.
Will this mask keep for any period of time in a sealed container?
I can’t remember if I had any extra- if I kept some, it would have been in a sealed container in the fridge. I would probably try to use it within a few days.
This facemask is amazing left my feeling clean and smooth definatlu better than facial mask sold at drugstores.
i didnt put lemon juice in it but i added water and i think it did the same effect i will toataly use this again
it feels really good on your skin while you have it on. the smell is driving me insane though because i kinda want to eat my face off! lol
I simply mix together ground oatmeal and water and apply it on to my face. It works perfectly! I am so happy with the results. It really leaves your skin looking bright and healthy! Especially after a bad sunburn. I wear this simple mask every day and I love it! For some people, it takes a while until the results are prominent. For me, it took about 2 weeks to a month. Trust me though, it may look gross but it’s a natural, safe way to nourish your skin!
just added an ice cube in the mix and when i put the mixture on my face it was nice and cold! felt awesome! however the ice cube waters it down a little so i had to add a tad more oatmeal, but the ice cube was a nice touch! i have it on my face now and its slightly burning but other than that we will have to see :) feeling good so far
whats the shelf life? im thinking of making this for a gift
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