The United States appears to be well on its way to socialized medicine, and to add one more brick in the wall, especially hard-hitting to those of us trying to stay ahead of the socialist curve, a newly unveiled Senate bill would actually fine those who refuse health insurance coverage by up to $1000.
Unbelievably, the monopoly that ineffecual “disease care” enjoys over Americans is about to get a lot stronger – no wonder Wal-Mart, home of the dollar prescription refills, recently stepped out in support of Obama’s plan. With up to 50 million potential new customers, it appears western medicine has just taken one large leap forward into Sam Walton’s Swiss bank account.
Those of us stuck paying out of pocket for holistic treatments will be footing the bill for this too. It appears that “health care” in this nation has blasted beyond a “right” and straight into “sanction”.
There is still time to stop this bill – and the consciousness that led to it. Call or email your senator and reclaim your health freedom today. It’s as easy as a two minute conversation with the people who say “aye” or “nay” to issues that will directly affect YOU.